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Cute pick up lines in spanish
How to Flirt in Spain: Top 10 Spanish Pick-Up Lines
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Say Media We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. Besame ahorita cariño mio You are like a jewel of the sea. I want to learn Spanish because of its beauty and usefulness. I thought that it would be great fun to trade some of our favorite pickup lines and then discuss how they reflect or if they reflect their respective cultures.
Well, I like to create that content for you. Enjoy and have fun! These are also known as piropos, and they are ways to compliment. They are cheesy and some come with appropriate warnings.
Compliments and Pick Up Lines in Spanish - Ella y el being the preferred one Click to expand...
I think it's a lot of fun to trade pickup lines with my Spanish-speaking friends, but I have always been struck by the fact that most pickup lines in English at least the ones that are used most often are overtly sexual and often rude while most in Spanish are sweet and romantic. I thought that it would be great fun to trade some of our favorite pickup lines and then discuss how they reflect or if they reflect their respective cultures. Here's my go at it: English: All those curves, and me with no brakes. If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me? Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open? Ya know, you look really hot! You must be real reason for global warming. Spanish: Las estrellas se apartarían al ver tus ojos. Dejaré de amarte el día que un pintor dibuje el sonido de una lágrima al caer. Quisiera ser pensamiento y estar dentro de ti y así saber el momento en que te acuerdas de mí. Ni aunque el cielo fuera hecho de papel y los océanos de tinta, no habría lugar para escribir lo que me haces sentir. I might be going out on a limb here, but I have found that in Latin American culture, emoting is more culturally acceptable and actually a normal way to conduct oneself. I know that this is a sweeping stereotype, so please don't attack me... I'm just making an observation! The problem is, most of the time, they aren't given the chance to speak further, so they have no sentence ready - hé mademoiselle, mademoiselle! I'll leave that to native gentlemen! But I think French men are very jealous of their own techniques and believe that they have this unique and very personal way of seducing women... Many of the guys or boys were of Turkish origin. Often groups of adolescents, members trying to assure themselves and their peers of their masculinity. Problems with groping Italians, too. Cultural implications: Wolf-whistling and stupid pick-up lines directed at random strangers in public is just unacceptable behaviour. That's OK, I'm in a different position, just take it as a compliment. I know they won't become obnoxious or a worry. In bars and such: Why bother to use silly lines? Not very creative, no matter how creative the line is, in my opinion. Actually, I think pickup lines can be very cute most specifically the corny ones , especially if delivered with a smile! Woman: Give what back? No, they will not get a woman to sleep with you, but some of them may get her to smile and ask you to sit down. On a different note, related to the whistling: In Costa Rica, I got hissed at! We're talking full-on snake hisses. But, as my Costa Rican sister told me, it's not meant to be offensive... Same goes for whistling and catcalls in the States: you can be offended and huffy, or you can take it as a compliment. About the cultural implications, it's interesting noticing how different cultures react to the latinolike approach, for example, I know there are other cultures behaving this macho way. A girl here most of them would find it flattering being approached this way like latin people do. She'd thing someting 's wrong with her if men don't. Yes, this is the macho culture. Again , this is very cultural. As I said in other threads, I consider that piropos compliments tend to be rude and, in order to avoid problems should never be used with unknown people. Just as an example, if I used in Spain the nice compliments described by Irish in 11 I would be spit, slapped, beaten and then kicked out the disco. Well, my wife thought those guys were disgusting sleaze-bags and nothing else. Can you imagine what it can be like for an attractive blonde lady? She wasn't and isn't prude, by the way, neither am I. Actually, I venture to say the average American, Briton, Brazilian or generically Latin or Mediterranean person is more prude than I am. Now, I expect you to at least partially attribute my attitude to a presumed general seriousness of Germans, but I think it just indicates women are considered game and the guys feel the need to reassure themselves and others of their masulinity. Let me put it this way, if a man tries to keep his sisters and daughters under his thumb, yet whistles after girls, tries to chat them up and tries to bed any female he can get - then I have zero sympathies for him. Well, my wife thought those guys were disgusting sleaze-bags and nothing else. Can you imagine what it can be like for an attractive blonde lady? She wasn't and isn't prude, by the way, neither am I. Actually, I venture to say the average American, Briton, Brazilian or generically Latin or Mediterranean person is more prude than I am. Now, I expect you to at least partially attribute my attitude to a presumed general seriousness of Germans, but I think it just indicates women are considered game and the guys feel the need to reassure themselves and others of their masulinity. Let me put it this way, if a man tries to keep his sisters and daughters under his thumb, yet whistles after girls, tries to chat them up and tries to bed any female he can get - then I have zero sympathies for him. You sure would be Fernando I've heard some here in Spain. I remember some: - Estás más buena que yo you're hotter than myself. This boy made me laugh, but it was quite rude. A very polite one but I just heard it once in my life, and you hear compliments everyday in Spain : - Es usted muy guapa, señorita you are very pretty, lady. Then when they are just trying to get your attention: - Rubia Blonde I really hate this one. I feel like being treated like a cow. Then the imaginatives ones: - Camina por la sombra que los bombones se derriten al sol - Las mujeres tan hermosas como tú son las que incitaron a los cavernícolas a pintar - Quien fuera helado para derretirse en tu boca And so on... Having been married for a while, I don't think of or use pickup lines... I think it's a lot of fun to trade pickup lines with my Spanish-speaking friends, but I have always been struck by the fact that most pickup lines in English at least the ones that are used most often are overtly sexual and often rude while most in Spanish are sweet and romantic. I thought that it would be great fun to trade some of our favorite pickup lines and then discuss how they reflect or if they reflect their respective cultures. Here's my go at it: English: All those curves, and me with no brakes. If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me? Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open? Ya know, you look really hot! You must be real reason for global warming. Spanish: Las estrellas se apartarían al ver tus ojos. Dejaré de amarte el día que un pintor dibuje el sonido de una lágrima al caer. Quisiera ser pensamiento y estar dentro de ti y así saber el momento en que te acuerdas de mí. Ni aunque el cielo fuera hecho de papel y los océanos de tinta, no habría lugar para escribir lo que me haces sentir. I might be going out on a limb here, but I have found that in Latin American culture, emoting is more culturally acceptable and actually a normal way to conduct oneself. I know that this is a sweeping stereotype, so please don't attack me... I'm just making an observation! Yes, but I doubt that many men are going to ask if I like pickup lines before laying one on me! I know what you're saying though. I agree that Spanish piropos seem to be gentler, although I'm sure there are some raunchy ones out there. I heard a good one today in the subway. Does cultural origin have an influence on a the kind of women you like or b the inclination to tell women when you find them pretty - that's a debate that could be sensible, and slightly off topic Interesting... Even if I were in a postion to, I find the best line is just a good conversation starter, e. I was talking on a pay phone in Brazil to my mom in the States. A painter and his buddy were waiting to use the phone, and sorta staring at me as I jabbered away in English. When I saw them staring I told them there was another phone down the road if they needed it immediately. I didn't find the machismo in Brazil to be overwhelming, I took the occasional comment or look as a compliment, gave the ole bunda a shake and kept on walking. I always thought that was very endearing. They're usually said by construction workers obreros as they're safe behind a fence and equipped with full armor helmet, boots,... They're usually said by construction workers obreros as they're safe behind a fence and equipped with full armor helmet, boots,... I don´t like this kind of compliments. I prefer more espontaneous things.. I heard a good one today in the subway. He smiles because you acknowledged that he, as a fellow human being, said something to you. You smile, because it is nice to get a compliment, even from a stranger. And then you keep going, and he stays where he is. I almost understand, because it would be offensive to speak to someone and not even be acknowledged. No too long ago I was goint to work in the 9th district. There were two cnstruction workers, and one of them, much older than me, gave me a compliment, I said thank you and smiled, then he made a funny not offensive remark, and we bantered back and forth for maybe 15 seconds. We both laughed, it was fun and funny and harmless. He had no intention of trying to pick me up, he was just having fun. I could have pretended I didn't hear him, but why? I wouldn't dream of giving a guy that kind of power! So, except in some sort of late-night in a dark alley situation, I'd say a confident, strong woman need have no fear and need take no offence at comments by strangers that are meant to flatter unless they are vulgar or rude, of course - but that never happens to me. It's ultimately very anti-feminist to do so. I heard a good one today in the subway. There are ones very disgusting and others very sweet in Spanish, but it all depends mainly of the culture of the guy who says that pickup line Es tan tarde que no tengo ganas de traducir esto al inglés, pero para quienes hablen español, tengo dos piropos: Uno lindo.... I always thought that was very endearing. So I realize this is a rather old post, but I found it so curious I had to respond. My boyfriend is Costa Rican as well, and he always refers to my mother as his mother-in-law, my brother his brother-in-law, etc; same thing goes for his family. I feel like it must be a cultural thing at least in part, especially because although he didn't do it right from the beginning, our relationship isn't serious enough to talk about marriage. It definitely would have freaked me out if he had been American and saying those things to me, though... And he likes to sing Ricardo Arjona songs for me sometimes- how funny! Ella y el being the preferred one Click to expand... Lucky you I worked in this restaurant with a load of Brazilians for a few months and they just appeared to be soooo sleazy with all their chat up lines. I guess because British women are generally unused to getting chatted up irrespective of looks etc because our men aren't really that direct generally! They don't try to completely blind you by compliments as much as other nationalities I don't think, which some people don't like, but which I personally prefer as it just seems more genuine! They just seem to try to make you laugh In France I think it's quite different altogether.
Ella y el being the preferred one Prime to expand. No matter — my love needs no translation. Please post in spanish as well as english. If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me. Many of the guys or boys were of Turkish origin. Because the first north of the sentence describes a dream or a hypothetical If I were a flight attendant…it requires subjunctive and conditional tenses.